We provide transportation for residents of Clay County who are 60 years or older and live in an independent residence for the following circumstances:
- Medically related appointments (doctors, dentists, mental health professionals)
- To perform essential business for legal or tax assistance
- To apply for housing or other essential benefits
- To attend adult day health care
- To visit a spouse in a nursing home
Individuals may use this service up to 3 round trips per month. We now have 2 options for transportation for all our clients' medical and essential business appointments. Call either of them directly to schedule appointments. You must schedule your ride by 2:00 pm the business day before your appointment.
- Secure Transport: (913) 262-8600.
- Parking Company of America: (816) 793-8811.
Pick-up time begins at 6:00 a.m. and rides must be completed by 5:00 p.m.

The cost for transportation is:
- $7.00 each way if you are ambulatory;
- $10.00 each way if you need a wheelchair lift
Transportation services are provided regardless of income. We will travel anywhere within a 50-mile radius of your home for the above-stated flat fee.
Transportation option for Clay & Platte County Residents
A pilot program ,offered through Missouri Dept. of Transportation, is available through June 2025.
- Must be resident of Clay or Platte County at least 60 years of age.
- Destination must be within 50 miles of home address, in Missouri only.
- Rides available for medical appointments, grocery stores, pharmacies, other essential business.
- Rides are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Rides can be scheduled up until 2:00 pm the business day before.
Another component of this service includes group shopping trips for the communities of Excelsior Springs, Lawson, Kearney and Smithville.
Clay County residents call 816-793-8811 to schedule a ride.
Please note: if you qualify for transportation through Medicaid or VA, you are not eligible for our transportation.
Other transportation options for Clay County residents:
- Liberty Access Bus provides free transportation to doctor appointments, pharmacy and the grocery store within Liberty City limits to all senior citizens age 60 and older or persons 18-59 with a disability. The service operates Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Reservations are required. Transportation to the Liberty Silver Center is available to Glenaire residents. Call 816-439-4395 for more information or reservations.
- Excelsior Springs: the city operates a bus program for its citizens. $2 for one-way trip. Some merchants/professionals participate in a “Ride a Share” program which pays the return trip fare from their location. Monday through Friday. Call 630-0754 for information or http://cityofesmo.com/publicservices/index.php/transportation/
Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (http://ridekc.org/) includes these options:
Ride KC Bus - regular bus service; 816-221-0660. The KC Streetcar is free to ride.
- IRIS is an app-drive transit service covering the entirety of Kansas City, MO, North Kansas City, and Gladstone. It’s an innovative program designed to provide on-demand transit where people may share a ride with as many as four other people. Like Uber or Lyft service, customers can request a trip through a convenient app and can begin and end a trip anywhere within the zone or connect with regular RideKC bus service to continue their trip. It’s not a door-to-door service. IRIS operates in a network of designated stops within the pilot service area. Stops could include existing RideKC stops or other locations set up for IRIS. An IRIS vehicle will pick up customers at their pickup point and take them to a location in the zone or in another IRIS zone. The vehicles are operated by zTrip, a local taxi operator; however, they will be branded with IRIS and RideKC. Fares will be determined on where the trip begins and ends.
Call 816-205-8221 or https://book.iris.rideco.com/
- Ride KC Freedom: Paratransit service for older adults and disabled; personal care attendant can ride free with applicant. An application must be submitted before you can ride, followed by in-home assessment for ADA eligibility, so plan ahead! Trips may be scheduled between 1 and 14 days in advance. ADA Complementary Paratransit is Zero Fare through 2023. Reservations or information: 816-842-9070.
Ride KC Freedom on demand: 24/7 taxi service in Z-Trip vehicle; non-ADA service. Age 65+ can get reduced fares by submitting application for eligibility. 816-842-9070.
Aging & Adult Services through MARC contracts with Lyft/Jet transportation companies to provide transportation to doctor’s offices, clinics and hospitals for medical appointments. Client must have a working cell phone and be ambulatory; can use 4 round trips per month.
MARC Lift-ramp transportation is a consumer directed program enabling the client to find their own agency to provide their ride. The client will pay for the service out-of-pocket, then be reimbursed by MARC, up to $150.00 each month.
For questions about either service, please call their information line, 816-421-4980.
- Dialysis State Program: This is an income based program. They offer mileage reimbursement or vendor transportation. You must go through your social worker at your dialysis center. You need to fill out paperwork to see if you qualify.
Logisticare: You must be on Medicaid and not have a spenddown. You need to call 2 days in advance. They offer mileage reimbursement or vendor transportation if you qualify. It has various requirements. For information or to schedule a ride: 866-269-5927. https://www.logisticare.com/
- GoGo Grandparent: Call 855-464-6872 and wait for the self serve concierge. They find the cheapest, fastest rides near you for any transportation need. Minimum fare based on where you live. https://gogograndparent.com/
Volunteer Transportation
Northland Shepherd’s Center: You must be 60 and over, live in southern Clay or Platte county. You may have one (1) round trip ride per week to medical, pharmacy, bank or other vital business; and one (1) round trip ride every two (2) weeks to the grocery store or food pantry. No wheelchairs; donations accepted. For more information, call (816) 452-4536. http://northlandsc.org/
Kearney Rides - For Kearney and Holt older adults, based on Northland Shepherd's Center's volunteer transportation program. No wheelchairs, donations accepted. Call the Tech Cafe to schedule: 816-635-0466. https://www.kearneyfirehouse.org/tech-cafe