If your area of interest is listed, call that office directly for information. Most programs offer a Monday - Friday noontime meal; costs vary. Dietary restrictions are not available at all locations.

Home Delivered Meals through the Area Agency on Aging - MARC (NKC, Gladstone, KC North):
(816) 474-4240; website: MARC.org
Northland Meals on Wheels (NKC, KC North, Gladstone, Avondale, West Pleasant Valley):
(816) 691-5322
Excelsior Springs Senior Center and Home Delivered Meals (Excelsior Springs city limits):
(816) 630-5955
Kearney Home Delivered Meals (Kearney city limits, some extended boundaries):
(816) 217- 8618 or (816) 903-6533
Liberty Meals on Wheels (city limits):
(816) 439-4398; website: Liberty MOW
Smithville Meals on Wheels (city limits):
(816) 532-3897
If your area is not listed above, or if you have any other questions, contact Clay County Senior Services at 816-455-4800.
If you would like to make a difference for older adults in your area, please consider volunteering for one of the meals programs listed above. See our Volunteer page for more information.